The Best Social Media Channels (Part 1)

Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat are among the top social media marketing channels and platform for businesses. Different social media marketing sites necessitate different tactics, so here’s a quick rundown of each one’s user base, general moods, benefits, drawbacks, and content categories.

Facebook – Top Recommended For Social Media Platforms

Facebook is the world’s most popular social media channels and one of the most popular local business directories. It is used by people of all ages to communicate with friends and family, join in groups and forums, locate and visit local businesses, and follow brands.

Build ties with current clients using Facebook’s social media marketing tool.

What is Facebook commonly used for:
1. Changes in hours, events, and milestones should be announced.
2. Discussions and live streaming should be held.
3. Baby-boomer marketing

Because organic reach on Facebook is limited, Facebook advertising is your greatest choice for generating leads or reaching new consumers. You can read more of what we provide here


You might not think of YouTube as a social media marketing platform, but it fits the bill: you can upload videos to your channel, share, comment on, and like other videos, and follow other accounts.

You also get a curated feed with suggested videos on your homepage. The key to YouTube social media marketing is to give value rather than try to “go viral.” It is ideal for:

  1. How-tos, tutorials, and explainer videos

  2. Live video engagement

  3. Advertisement (video ads and display ads on the platform)

Youtube is also tied under Google and also using google ads to run, read more about how Google Adwords can help our in your business here.


Instagram, which launched years after LinkedIn and Twitter, swiftly overtook both sites and in 2018 achieved one billion monthly active users. Feed posts, Stories, Lives, Reels, and IGTV are among its most popular content forms. Instagram is used by people to follow influencers and companies that they buy from and who share their beliefs. Create an Instagram bio and use it for the following:

  1. Shopping with friends

  2. Marketing with influencers

  3. Company culture User-generated material

Instagram advertisements are often more expensive than Facebook ads, but the good news is that organic reach is also greater.

Are you keen to know more about the different social media platforms? Stay tuned to our next post as we cover the other platforms that are vital in generating traffic and image for your company.


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The Best Social Media Marketing Channels (Part 2)